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The Negative Impact Of Too Much Eating Instant Noodles
Instant noodles was created by Mr. Momofuku Ando in december 1958 and he opened enterprice of instant noodles named " Nissin Foods"
This instant noodles entered Indonesia for the first time in 1960. According to historical record, noodles the first time made in the continent of chiness around 2600 years ago, on the administration of dynasty Han.
Instant noddles is the food which is often consumed by people in the world. In Indonesia, more than 85% of its citizens consume instant noodles from among the children up to adult.
The development of instant noodles is very rapidly because the cooking process is very simple easy and pratical thus a lot of peoples like to this instant noodles.
We can get instant noodles in the nearest store, around our house, the price is relatively affordable it makes this meal a favourite food for the citizens.
A lot of people do not know the impact of friquent consumption of instant noodles for health of the body, so many peoples are sick due to the frequency of consuming this instant noodles.
Instant noodles cause dangerous diseases that attack the internal organs of the body.
Usually those who consume instant noodles, will not directly feel the pain but they will feel it in the next years
The disease that caused by instant noodles is usually a disease of the appendix very dangerous even deadly.
Start to live healthy life watch your diet reduce eating instant noodles and dont be dependent on instant noodles.
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